2 Key Elements Of Quality Lead Generation

We’ve gone from reach to engagement to conversion – the essential metric for marketers today.
What steps can marketers take to create greater conversion – and how can you start generating urgent and prioritized leads for your sales team.
Today, I’ll talk about the two key elements to an effective marketing strategy that generates quality leads that convert.
Content Strategy:
Marketing campaigns require convertible content. Content can be used to initiate and execute upon great campaigns, and can be leveraged to disrupt lackluster campaigns. It can act as the single most powerful catalyst for quality lead generation. If handled poorly, it can destroy your engagement and give your competition an unnecessary advantage.
Here’s a question many B2B companies are looking to answer: how can content disrupt poor lead quality to create better results?
The first step is to take a good hard look at your content. Is your content in line with the needs of your target audience and does it speak eloquently to their buying stage? Start inventorying your content, classify it, run it through an audit, and identify exactly where your content is strong, where it needs improvement, and where it’s lacking. You will uncover deficiencies in certain areas of the funnel and strengths in other areas – and the results are always surprising.
Activate can help you with your content audits. We’ve done it for several B2B tech companies and have set them on the path to creating greater conversion through better quality leads.
Funnel Based Approach:
Once you have content in place, you want to apply the sales funnel to it. You want to share this funnel-based approach with your sales team so they understand this methodology was not created in a vacuum – in fact it was created with sales and customers at the forefront.
An effective funnel based approach – one that Activate routinely applies to help its client – identifies specific personas, uncovers key pain points, and applies appropriate content to generate leads based on where your personas find themselves in their buying stage, in relation to your products. Gone are the days when content was marketed to an entire database, just because it was new – where segmentation was never a part of the consideration. It is not about reach, it is about conversion, through the most efficient and respectful use of your target account lists.
With a content strategy that applies itself through a funnel based approach, you will see results. Activate has helped several B2B clients significantly improve their marketing campaigns by these simple, methodical approaches. Contact Activate so we can share our plan with you and get you on the path to a successful 2015.